As GOD'S Pilgrims to Earth, We Must Live by Faith
Section Introduction by JJH:
GOD’s SPIRIT spoke to create earth and a chain reaction of events GOD precalculated to fulfill HIS Will. Words are invisible and not seen like the words GOD’s SPIRIT spoke to create life per Genesis Chapter 1-2. The setting prior to Genesis 1:1 was eternity past which could be comprised of anything GOD wished including countless earths or past earths.
As described in Genesis 1-2, GOD willfully spoke HIS Divine WORD to speak all of creation into existence. GOD then made mankind, the crowning point of His creation, by breathing life into a lump of dirt HE formed in HIS image to become the first man Adam. Per Isaiah 64:8, “But now, O LORD, YOU are our FATHER; We are the clay, and YOU our POTTER; And all we are the work of YOUR Hand.” Per Genesis 2:7: “And THE LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
Per the below diagrams, human eyes can only see less than 1/10th Billionth or 0.000,000,01% of the energy we know exists around us. Humans can only see 430 to 770 THz frequency energy or visible light spectrum. Furthermore, humans only know the existence of energy from 1x10E6 Hz (Radio Waves) to 1x10E-18 Hz (Gamma Rays).
GOD, Angels, Spirits, Heaven, and the Spirit Realm exist or manifest themselves in different energy frequencies human eyes cannot see outside the visible light spectrum (430–770 THz). This explains the rainbow manifested around GOD’s throne.
Cell Phone Signal Example: An example of this are invisible “4G” signals that connect your phone to the internet and allow it to make calls. You can’t see this invisible electromagnetic “4G” energy because their frequency (824-894 MHz or 1850-1990 MHz) is outside the visible light spectrum frequency (430–770 THz); however, you know this energy exists or when it is missing based on whether your cell phone works.
Dog Senses Example: Another example is animals like dogs that have a greater or different range of senses (sight, hearing, and smelling) than us. This is why only dogs can hear dog whistles. Why does a dog randomly start barking at home when no one is physically there? Because a spirit is there...
Image Source: UCAR Center for Science Education “Waves of Energy More or Less” Website:
Image Source: Plugin 2 Nature “What are Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF)?” Website:
Again, GOD and Heaven can reside in a different frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum outside the visible light spectrum (430–770 THz) human eyes can see. This explains the rainbow around GOD’S Throne like in my vision of GOD on 10/22/19 shown in the photo below. As GOD’S Throne enters man’s visible light spectrum it begins to transform electromagnetic frequencies into our visible light spectrum (430–770 THz) thus creating a rainbow as light energy bends around GOD’s Throne Vehicle before it comes into view or an energy frequency humans can see between 430–770 THz.
My Vision of the HOLY ONE in the Heavens on October 22, 2019 per Ezekiel 1:28 which states,
“Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the GLORY OF THE LORD.”