8,000-Year Earth Cycle
““YOU send forth YOUR SPIRIT, they are created; And YOU renew the face of the earth.””
““HE remembers HIS Covenant forever, The WORD which HE commanded for a thousand generations.””
““GOD has ruled earth 40,000+ years (33,854+ years before Adam and Eve) per Psalm 105:8 and Biblical generation timelines.””
During the Day of The LORD, “The ANCIENT OF DAYS” in Daniel 7:9-14 will take revenge on earth by breaking it so only “things which cannot be shaken may remain” per Hebrews 12:26-27 before reaping all gold, silver, bronze, iron, and other desired resources that the current mankind collected during the first 7,000 years here on earth. Those involved will use these resources as startup capital resources for LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST’S 1,000-Year Millennial Reign to maximize earth’s final yield before the 8,000-year expiration of the sun and moon.
The 8,000 Year Earth LORDSHIP harvesting cycle is described as a fisher’s parable in Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 which states, “Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.” This very brief parable describes GOD as a fisherman with bread crumbs or bait for HIS Son and Royal Priesthood. GOD reaping earth will be similar to Joshua 6:1-27 when the Jewish people took all it’s gold, silver, bronze, and iron for the Treasury of the House of The LORD. This is also reiterated in Malachi 3:2-3 which states the following regarding the Day of The LORD, “2: But who can endure the day of HIS coming? And who can stand when HE appears? For HE is like a refiner’s fire And like launderers’ soap. 3: HE will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; HE will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to The LORD An offering in righteousness.”
The archaeological findings of Archaeologist Daniel Ruso in his book titled “Marcahuasi: The Story of a Fantastic Discovery” mention the Marcahuasi Ruins in the Andes Mountains, East of Lima, Peru where Archaeologist Daniel Ruso wrote that the “forth humanity” or “Masma” culture made sculptures here almost 10,000 years ago attempting to preserve the knowledge of humanity. Mr. Ruso believed each humanity lasts 8,608 years or four 2,125-year sun cycles. After these 8,608 years, earth suffers disruptions threatening the existence of all living inhabitants of earth. It is further stated that the zodiac signs or astrological star patterns reveal that past humanities underwent earth, fire, and water catastrophes with the next air catastrophe due 2,127 to 2,137 AD. My Guardian Angel confirmed that the Marcahuasi Ruins do have over 22 Energy Vortexes consisting of three different Healing Energy Types as Archaeologist Daniel Ruso stated in his book titled “Marcahuasi: The Story of a Fantastic Discovery”.
Ecclesiastes 7:8-14:
End of 8,000 Year Earth Sun Cycle:
7:8: The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
7:9: Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, For anger rests in the bosom of fools.
7:10: Do not say, “Why were the former days better than these?” For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.
7:11: Wisdom is good with an inheritance, And profitable to those who see the sun.
7:12: For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it.
7:13: Consider the work of GOD; For who can make straight what HE has made crooked?
7:14: In the day of prosperity be joyful, But in the day of adversity consider: Surely GOD has appointed the One as well as the Other, So that man can find out nothing that will come after him.
Marcahuasi Ruins in the Andes Mountains, East of Lima, Peru where Archaeologist Daniel Ruso wrote that the “forth humanity” or “Masma” culture made sculptures almost 10,000 years ago to try to preserve the knowledge of humanity.
Only Worship JESUS CHRIST:
LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST is earth’s only Messiah this Messianic period. The Greek word for “worlds” in Hebrews 1:2 and 11:3 is “αἰῶνας” or “aiōnas”. This noun means an age, world, and Messianic period. A Messianic period or age refers to a period on earth when a Messiah reigns to bring universal peace consummated by the Messiah’s second return to earth after their death. Per Psalm 104:30, Hebrews 12:26-27, and other Bible verses our current Messianic period concludes with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and 21 cataclysmic events to earth over a 7-year tribulation period that ends with the earth being utterly shaken as described in Hebrews 12:26-27 and Revelation 16:17-21.
The above image shows the Tablet of Shamash from Ancient Babylonia in 900 BC. The tablet shows a crystal ball or globe flat earth timepiece being rigged onto a table by a gantry crane. The crystal ball flat earth scientific timepiece shows seven radi with four designated as the energy grid lines of earth reserved for the 1,000 Reign of LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST. Note the similarity between the circular earth map above and the real flat earth map below.
“It is HE WHO sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, WHO stretches out the Heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”
Earth #183 Timeline:
????? BC: Marcahuasi in Andes Mountains, Lima, Peru
????? BC: Gornaya Shoria Megaliths, Southern Siberia, Russia
10,000 BC: Göbekli Tepe, Turkey
4,128 BC: Adam & Eve Creation (Real Ethiopian Jews) (Genesis 1:26-28)
4,126 BC: Adam & Eve Fall (Genesis 3:1-24): Caused by The lying spirit Worshiped by Modern Israel or Jews per Revelation 3:9-10
4,000 to 2,000 BC: Caucasus Mountains, Russia
3,150 to 2,500 BC: Tarxien Temples, Malta
3,150 to 2,613 BC: Early Dynastic Period in Egypt. First Kings
3,150 to 2,613 BC: Early Dynastic Period in Egypt. First Kings.
3,150 to 3,100 BC: Reign of Menes, a.k.a. Narmer, first king who is thought to have unified Upper and Lower Egypt.
3,150 BC: King Menes unifies Egypt through conquest.
3,100 to 30 BC: List of Pharaohs:
2,920 to 2,890 BC: Reign of Qa'a, last pharaoh of the First Dynasty of Egypt.
2,613 to 2,589 BC: Reign of Sneferu, first king of 4th Dynasty of Egypt.
2,613 to 2,181 BC: The Period of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
2,589 to 2,566 BC: Reign of King Khufu (Cheops), builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt.
2,566 to 2,558 BC: Reign of King Djedefre in Egypt.
2,560 BC: The Great Pyramid of Giza is constructed by Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops).
2,558 to 2,532 BC: Reign of King Khafre, builder of the second pyramid at Giza, in Egypt.
2,532 to 2,503 BC: Reign of King Menkaure, builder of the third pyramid at Giza, in Egypt.
2,503 to 2,498 BC: Reign of the King Shepsekaf in Egypt.
2,500 to 1,500 BC: Kerma Kingdom, Kerma, Sudan
2,500 to 1,500 BC: Querma Kingdom, Querma, Sudan
2,500 BC: Stonehenge, England
2,498 to 2,491 BC: Reign of the King Userkaf in Egypt.
2,490 to 2,477 BC: Reign of King Sahure in Egypt.
2,477 to 2,467 BC: Reign of the King Neferiskare Kakai in Egypt.
2,472 BC: The Great Flood (Genesis 7:4-11, Enoch 6:17)
2,460 to 2,458 BC: Reign of the King Neferefre in Egypt.
2,458 to 2,457 BC: Reign of King Shepseskare in Egypt.
2,445 to 2,422 BC: Reign of the King Nyussere Ini of Egypt.
2,422 to 2,414 BC: Reign of King Menkauhor in Egypt.
2,414 to 2,375 BC: Reign of King Djedkare Isesi in Egypt.
2,375 to 2,345 BC: Reign of King Unas in Egypt.
2,345 to 2,333 BC: Reign of King Teti in Egypt.
2,333 to 2,332 BC: Reign of King Userkare in Egypt.
2,332 to 2,283 BC: Reign of King Pepi I in Egypt.
2,283 to 2,278 BC: Reign of King Merenre Nemtyensaf I in Egypt.
2,278 to 2,184 BC: Reign of King Pepi II in Egypt.
2,184 BC: Reign of King Merenre Nemtyemsaf II in Egypt.
2,184 to 2,181 BC: Reign of King Netjerkare, last ruler of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
2,165 to 1,990 BC: Abraham Not in Egypt
1,876 to 1,446 BC: 430 Years of Ethiopian Jews Enslaved 430 Years in Egypt (Genesis Chapters 37-50, Exodus Chapters 1-13:16)
2,040 to 1,782 BC: The Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
1,759 BC: Joseph’s Death (Genesis 50:22)
1,570 to 1,069 BC: Seshat associated with the pharaoh during the period of the New Kingdom in Egypt.
1,550 to 1,525 BC: Reign of Ahmose I, Pharaoh of Egypt.
1,526 to 1,406 BC: Moses (Lord of Sheep #1: Enoch 89:16-38)
1,525 to 1,504 BC: Reign of Amenhotep I, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,504 to 1,492 BC: Reign of Thutmose I, Pharaoh of Egypt.
1,492 to 1,479 BC: Reign of Thutmose II, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,485 BC: Hatshepsut begins to be depicted as a male pharaoh.
1,479 to 1,458 BC: Pharaoh Hatshepsut passes title of God's Wife of Amun to her daughter after assuming power.
1,479 to 1,458 BC: Reign of Queen Hatshepsut as Pharaoh of Egypt.
1,458 to 1,425 BC: Region of Jordan flourishes under reign of Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III.
1,458 to 1,425 BC: Reign of Thutmose III in Egypt.
1,445 BC: Jews Exodus from Egypt (Genesis 13:17-22, 14:1-31)
1,427 to 1,400 BC: Reign of Amenhotep II, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,406 BC: Joshua (Lord of Sheep #2: Enoch 89:39)
1,400 to 1,390 BC: Reign of Thutmose IV, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,353 to 1,336 BC: Reign of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's father, 'Heretic King' of Egypt.
1,336 to 1,327 BC: Reign of pharaoh Tutankhamun who reverses Akhenaten's policies and restores traditional religion to Egypt.
1,327 to 1,323 BC: Reign of Ay, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,327 to 1,320 BC: The vizier Ay reigns as pharaoh and continues Tutankhamun's policies.
1,324 to 1,320 BC: Possible reign of the pharaoh Ay in Egypt.
1,320 to 1,292 BC: Reign of pharaoh Horemheb who erases all memory of the Amarna Period, restores Egyptian culture, and destroys the city of Akhetaten (Amarna).
1,320 to 1,292 BC: Reign of pharaoh Horemheb who destroys the city of Akhetaten, restores Egyptian culture, and blots Akhenaten's name from history.
1,303 BC: Birth of Ramesses II of Egypt.
1,295 to 1,294 BC: The reign of Ramesses I in Egypt.
1,294 to 1,279 BC: The reign of Seti I in Egypt.
1,279 to 1,212 BC: Reign of Ramesses II (The Great) in Egypt.
1,274 BC: Battle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramesses II of Egypt and King Muwatalli II of the Hittites.
1,212 to 1,202 BC: Reign of Merneptah in Egypt.
1,202 to 1,200 BC: Reign of Amenmesse in Egypt.
1,200 to 1,194 BC: Reign of Seti II.
1,194 to 1,188 BC: Reign of Siptah in Egypt.
1,191 to 1,190 BC: Twosret reigns as pharaoh and holds title of God's Wife of Amun.
1,191 to 1,190 BC: Reign of female pharaoh Twosret in Egypt.
1,188 to 1,186 BC: Reign of Queen Twosret in Egypt.
1,186 to 1,155 BC: Reign of Ramesses III, the last strong pharaoh of the New Kingdom.
1,186 to 1,184 BC: Reign of Sethnakht, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,184 to 1,153 BC: Reign of Ramesses III, Pharaoh of Egypt.
1,153 to 1,147 BC: Reign of Ramesses IV, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,151 BC: Death of Pharaoh Ramesses III.
1,147 to 1,143 BC: Reign of Ramesses V, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,143 to 1,136 BC: Reign of Ramesses VI, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,136 to 1,129 BC: Reign of Ramesses VII, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,129 to 1,126 BC: Reign of Ramesses VIII, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,126 to 1,108 BC: Reign of Ramesses IX, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,108 to 1,099 BC: Reign of Ramesses X, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,099 to 1,069 BC: Reign of Ramesses XI, pharaoh of Egypt.
1,040 BC: Saul (Lord of Sheep #3: Enoch 89:42, 1 Samuel 22)
1,010 BC - 970 BC: David (Lord of Sheep #4: Enoch 89:45)
970 BC - 930 BC: Solomon (Lord of Sheep #5: Enoch 89:48)
860-850 BC: Elijah (Lord of Sheep #6: Enoch 89:52)
670 BC: King Manasseh (Lord of Sheep #7: Enoch 89:56) "he left that house of theirs" is the time of King Manasseh when the Levites took the Ark of the Covenant and left Israel.
664 BC: Psamtik I becomes Pharoah in Egypt.
664 BC - 610 BC: Reign of Psamtik I, pharaoh of Egypt.
620 BC: Josiah Religious Reforms (Lord of Sheep #8: Enoch 89:59, 2 Chronicles 34)
610 to 595 BC: Reign of Necho II, pharaoh of Egypt.
595 to 589 BC: Reign of Psamtik II, pharaoh of Egypt.
589 to 570 BC: Reign of Apries, pharaoh of Egypt.
570 to 526 BC: Rule of Pharaoh Amasis of Egypt, who built a shrine to Ammon at Siwa.
538 BC: Ezra Return after Exile (Lord of Sheep #9: Enoch 89:72, Book of Ezra)
538 BC: Haggai Return after Exile (Lord of Sheep #10: Enoch 89:72, Book of Haggai)
538 BC: Zechariah Return after Exile (Lord of Sheep #11: Enoch 89:72, Book of Zechariah)
526 to 525 BC: Reign of Psamtik III, pharaoh of Egypt.
331 BC: Alexander the Great is crowned pharaoh of Egypt at Memphis.
285 to 246 BC: Reign of Egyptian pharaoh Ptolemy II Philadelphus who favors sea routes for trade over land routes; Saba begins to decline.
205 to 185 BC: Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia secede from the Ptolemaic Kingdom with the support of Meroe. Two Egyptians, Horwennefer and his successor Ankhwennefer are declared as Pharaoh in the now independent territories.
00 to 33 AD: LORD JESUS CHRIST’S Life as a Man on Earth
30 to 639 AD: Governors of Roman Egypt
640 to 1,517 AD: Rulers of Islamic Egypt
969 to 1,171 AD: Caliphs of Fatimid Egypt
1,171 to 1,250 AD: Ayyubid Rulers
1,250 to 1,517 AD: Mamluk Sultans
1,517 to 1,805 AD: Ottoman Governors of Egypt
1,805 to 1,953 AD: Monarchs of the Muhammad Ali dynasty
1,798 to 1,936 AD: British Colonial Heads of Egypt
1,857 to 1,878 AD: Grand Viziers of Egypt
1,953 to Present: Presidents of Egypt
1,878 to Present: Prime Ministers of Egypt
**/**/2020: Day of The LORD [CLASSIFIED]
Psalm 105:8: GOD’S Eternal Faithfulness:
105:8: “HE remembers HIS Covenant forever, The WORD which HE commanded for a thousand generations.”
JJH Note: Biblical human lifespans and those today, a generation is 40 years. GOD Has Commanded Earth 1,000 Generations or Over 40,000 Years. (1,000 generations x 40 = 40,000 Years) if not much more. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in 4,126 BC. The amount of years from 4,126 BC to 2,020 AD (present day) is 6,146 years. Dividing earth’s age (6,146 years) by 40,000 years reveals human history accounts for 15% of GOD’S Command. GOD’S Reign mentioned in this verse. With that said, significantly more generations may have existed or been excluded from this rounded figure mentioned in this verse making the entire history of our human race a significantly smaller percentage of GOD’S Reign.
Hebrews 1:1-3: GOD’S Supreme Revelation:
1:1: “GOD, WHO at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets,”
1:2: “has in these last days spoken to us by HIS SON, WHOM HE has appointed Heir of all things, through WHOM also HE made the worlds;”
1:3: “who being the brightness of HIS Glory and the express image of HIS Person, and upholding all things by the word of HIS Power, when HE had by HIMSELF purged our sins, sat down at The Right Hand of The MAJESTY on HIGH,”
Hebrews 11:1-3: By Faith We Understand:
11:1: Now faith is the substance (realization) of things hoped for, the evidence (confidence) of things not seen.
11:2: For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.
11:3: By faith we understand that the worlds (Messianic periods or ages) were framed by The WORD of GOD, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
1 Timothy 3:16: Mystery of Godliness:
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
GOD was
Manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory.”
Psalm 104:30: GOD Renewing Earth:
104:30: “YOU send forth YOUR SPIRIT, they are created; And YOU renew the face of the earth.”
JJH Note: Genesis 1:2 states the following regarding GOD sending forth HIS SPIRIT at creation, “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And The SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the face of the waters.”
Isaiah 30:26: “Light of the Sun will be Sevenfold”:
30:26: Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that The LORD binds up the bruise of HIS people And heals the stroke of their wound.
Jeremiah 15:9: LORD CHRIST Kills JJH by Sword to Renew Lordship:
15:9: “She languishes who has borne seven; She has breathed her last; Her sun has gone down While it was yet day; She has been ashamed and confounded. And the remnant of them I will deliver to the sword Before their enemies,” says The LORD.
Hebrews 12:1-2: The Race of Faith:
12:1: Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
12:2: looking unto JESUS, the Author (originator) and Finisher (perfecter) of our faith, WHO for the joy that was set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at The Right Hand of the Throne of GOD.
Hebrews 12:26-27: Only Things which Cannot be Shaken May Remain:
12:26: “whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.’ ”
12:27: “Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.”